Natural Choice Associates
32 Greenwood Drive
Charlottetown, PEI
C1C 1J3
Phone: 1 (902) 629-1385
Fax: 1 (902) 892-3813

Print this form and mail it with your Cheque or Money Order
To the Natural Choice Associates, Inc.,


PEP "Love Grows" T-Shirts: Size:_____ Quantity:_____@ ______ Total $ __________

PEP "Love Grows" Sweat Shirts: Size:_____ Quantity:_____@ ____ Total $ __________

"The Path are Many" T-Shirts: Size:_____ Quantity:_____@ ______ Total $ __________

"The Path are Many" Sweat Shirts: Size:_____ Quantity:_____@ ____ Total $ __________


Add S&H = $ 4.00

Total Order $ _________

Name: ______________________________________

Address: ____________________________________

City: _______________________________________

Postal Code : ________________________________

Phone : _____________________________________

Email: ______________________________________
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