
What a strange creature man is. Throughout his life he struggles against floods, drought, and many other natural disasters. He fights for existence, to have that which he needs. His struggle is for food, for shelter, clothing, comfort, happiness, love. His struggles seem endless and yet, in his own mind, man continues to believe that he is the master of his own destiny. The thought that he cannot attain all these things by virtue of his own intelligence, physical prowess or expertise, is repugnant because he has such faith in himself.

For thousands of years we have been taught that man is special, that God gave him dominion over all the beasts and fowl and other creatures both large and small. While this may be the truth, it is also a truth that man bears certain responsibilities to those creatures and to his brother man of which he must be mindful if he hopes to retain that dominion and reap the rewards that are his due.

You can have anything you want. It is your right of privilege. As with anything else however, before you begin, it is necessary to realize that there are certain rules you must follow and natural laws which must be observed. The purpose for this is to align your energies and vibrations so that you may attract that which you desire.

If many of those things you have always wanted have eluded you in the past, and if you have decided it is time to change that pattern, then begin now. You made the first step when you began to search for a book such as this.

If you are willing to invest thirty minutes each day, not necessarily as a believer but simply as an exercise that might change your whole life, read on. Sooner than you think possible, you may discover the RICHES FOR TODAY.

Most people have witnessed situations where someone is faced with a dilemma of such serious proportions that there seems to be no hope, no way in which the person can save himself. When he has exhausted all other avenues, and his ego has been deflated, he will probably turn then to that great power, with the cry "Oh God, help me".

How fortunate we would be to realize sooner that if God can help when the situation seems so totally hopeless, His help in the beginning would make things so much easier. But then, who thinks of God when things are going well? Perhaps we should.

That greatest of masters, Jesus, taught that to speak directly to God, or in other words, pray, on should "go to your private room and when you have shut the door, pray then to your Father who is i that secret place; your Father who sees all that is done in secret, will see to your reward", Matt. 6:6

He was teaching one of the mysteries of life, a fact previously unheard of, saying to one and all that God is inside each person and if we wish to speak to Him, we will find Him waiting there.

We are told that man was created in the image of God. Based on this statement, some people expect to see God as having two arms, two legs, a body and a head. If we realize that much of these writings are esoteric, we may see the significance of the messages contained therein. Man the spirit, or, man he soul was created in the image of God. Man, the physical, is but a vehicle of that soul. We are capable of so much more, and the Creator will aid us in achieving our potential. We need only ask and He will supply.

The time has come when people must change their old ways of thinking. If our desire is to take full advantage of all the wondrous things life has to offer; and if we wish to live each day to it's fullest, then now is the best time to change. We can't change yesterday, for that time has already passed. There is no advantage in waiting for tomorrow. If there is a real benefit to be gained it may as well be now.