
In 1976, the great yogi Sant Keshavadas casually remarked at a lecture in India that by the end of the century, we would be able to pick up a phone and "call" friends, loved ones, and colleagues who have died.

Even before that, in 1936, theosophist Alice Bailey predicted that those who had passed over will communicate with Earth and this communication will be "reduced to a true science.... Death will lose its terrors, and that particular fear will come to an end."  Today, in Luxembourg, and in many other countries all over the world, the prophecies of Bailey and Sant are coming true.

A new science is being born, the science of Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC).  Today, using high-tech communication, the "dead" are now transmitting information to our scientists in pictures, text, and voice via television screens, computers, and telephones.  Now, a "deceased" scientist can speak via television to a roomful of scientists on earth.  The undisputed leaders of this new science  of ITC, Jules and Maggy Harsch-Fischbach, who run the Transcommunication Study Circle of Luxembourg (CETL), received the Swiss Award for Paranormal Discoveries in Bern in 1992.  Right now, in Luxembourg, Germany, and other countries, various TV programs are tracing the development of ITC.

Dozens of "dead scientists", including Thomas Alva Edison, Albert Einstein, Madame Curie, and their colleagues, are engaged in a project to communicate with the Earth.  This is not science fiction.  It is happening daily in sound labs in the United States, Australia, Austria, Belgium, England, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Curiously, the Bible says (1 Cor. 15:26), "The last enemy to be destroyed is death."  While many theologians have noted the enigmatic scripture, it is doubtful any of them could even imagine how the grim reaper was to be destroyed.  Yet, today, in our time, the dead are transmitting their faces on television, transmitting the locale where they live, and describing their lives in their afterlife locale.  All of the evidence documen4ted by scientists and research groups on Earth indicates that there is no death, that individuality continues in another dimension.

In Luxembourg, a distraught mother can "hook-up" via television with her deceased son, who sends a picture of himself smiling and very much alive in another dimension.  A grief-stricken family can communicate with a young son who was brutally murdered and see that he is happy and healed of his wounds.

We are privileged to be living in this most astounding time, when some of the greatest mysteries of life - it's purpose and design - are being revealed.  Some of the world's churches will find their teachings vindicated; others will have to meet the challenge of new scientific data.  Amazingly, the Vatican has known of the research on Instrumental Transcommunication for years and even has authorized its own research people to explore the subject.  Reincarnation, which has been regarded as only a philosophic doctrine, is now corroborated by the dead whoa re quite alive in another dimension.

How this greatest of all discoveries began is a story as compelling as the discovery of atomic science.  Even more compelling is the array of over 1000 spirit scientists and colleagues in a world beyond our own, who are committing their existence and their talents to this vast project.  At last, the "veil of death" has been penetrated!